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However, 90% of consumers will offer first-party data if it would improve their experience (SmarterHQ 2021)."},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"Osh confirmed that brands need a coordinated plan to guide choosing which data to collect, and how to analyse and activate it - it's an important area that many brands don't consider carefully enough."},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"He went on to explain the importance to create an obvious value exchange - brands must be constantly asking the question 'Have we made it easy for customers to see the benefits of sharing their data with us?'."},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentPersonHeadshot_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentPersonHeadshot","personHeadshot":[{"__typename":"personHeadshot_BlockType","personName":"Osh Rice","personTitle":"MD, Daydot","headshot":[{"__typename":"localImages_Asset","url":"\/assets\/img\/uploads\/oshrice-headshot-new.jpg"}]}]}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentHeadline_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentHeadline","headline":"Osh's key takeouts","headlineLevel":"2"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentList_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentList","item":[{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"The first step is to audit your data sources to identify what data is being generated and how it\u2019s being measured."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"\u200bCross-reference the audit output with the data requirements of the marketing and analytics use cases you plan to execute and make sure you collect the data that\u2019s important to your objectives.\u200b"},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Continually evaluate your first-party data capabilities, monitor progress, and integrate what you\u2019ve learned at each step along the way. \u200b"}]},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentQuote_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentQuote","author":"Osh Rice","quote":"\"In order to scale engagement across all of your tools and all of your channels - accurately and with consent - you need to rethink the kind of data you\u2019re using, how you\u2019re collecting it, how it\u2019s distributed, and how you keep it secured.\""}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentPersonHeadshot_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentPersonHeadshot","personHeadshot":[{"__typename":"personHeadshot_BlockType","personName":"Janis Thomas","personTitle":"Ecommerce & Marketing Director, Look Fabulous Forever","headshot":[{"__typename":"localImages_Asset","url":"\/assets\/img\/uploads\/janisthomas-2021-10-18-124001-lplr.png"}]}]}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentHeadline_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentHeadline","headline":"Supercharging your strategy with social","headlineLevel":"2"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"Janis showed her passion for Look Fabulous Forever and social as a channel throughout her presentation. She started by sharing some impressive digital results - how the brand has increased revenue through social by 350% in the last year!"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"She went on to explain how in response to the pandemic they build a hugely successful Facebook community - 'Tricia's Super Troopers' - to support customers, which then organically grew and generated a lot of conversation and engagement about products. She also talked about the benefit of a full-funnel paid social strategy and how they have elevated their personalisation efforts."}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentHeadline_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentHeadline","headline":"Janis' key takeouts","headlineLevel":"2"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentList_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentList","item":[{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Social drives revenue in the short and long term."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Build a highly engaged community that are passionate advocates of your brand."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Social has infinite potential for continuous improvement."}]},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentQuote_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentQuote","author":"Janis Thomas","quote":"\"If you're not driving revenue from social, you're not doing it right!\""}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentPersonHeadshot_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentPersonHeadshot","personHeadshot":[{"__typename":"personHeadshot_BlockType","personName":"Alex Toplis","personTitle":"Senior Optimisation Manager, Daydot","headshot":[{"__typename":"localImages_Asset","url":"\/assets\/img\/uploads\/alextoplis-2021-03-01-122058.png"}]}]}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentHeadline_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentHeadline","headline":"Become customer obsessed and leap in to personalised content","headlineLevel":"2"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"Alex introduced the crawl, walk, run approach for personalisation. First you optimise the base level experience for all users by improving general relevance. Then refine this further by looking at different segments that exhibit different behaviours or needs and how relevance can be improved for these users. And eventually, you might want to move on to 1:1 personalisation if there is a need for this. At this stage, brands would usually adopt an AI solution that can keep up with user behaviour in real-time."},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"He outlined two options for experimentation with personalisation"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentList_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentList","item":[{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"If your site is small or doesn't get much traffic, and you would need to let tests run for months on end, it might be better to 'just do it' - so make the website changes, compare and measure the impact over time."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"If you have strong website traffic and can get a significant result within a few weeks then test your changes. You can then measure the results and use these to create future hypotheses for testing and learn more about your customers. \u200b"}]}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentHeadline_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentHeadline","headline":"Alex's key takeouts","headlineLevel":"2"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentList_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentList","item":[{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Research allows you to make contact with real customers and ask them directly how they use your products or services, what other products they use, etc."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Customer needs can change at different points in the user journey. Journey mapping can help you understand where and when personalisation, or improved relevance, would provide something meaningful for the customer so they successfully move through the funnel."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Through research you might find you have some no-brainers, elements where personalisation will only enhance the experience, but for more complex hypotheses you should test to ensure you can measure the impact of the personalisation.\u200b"}]},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentQuote_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentQuote","author":"Alex Toplis","quote":"\"When you're looking to make experiences more relevant, keep asking what will be meaningful to the customer at this stage? Think about what information they need and how you can answer or provide for the user.\""}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentPersonHeadshot_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentPersonHeadshot","personHeadshot":[{"__typename":"personHeadshot_BlockType","personName":"Kara \u0160egedin","personTitle":"Head of Digital Marketing, WildBrain Spark","headshot":[{"__typename":"localImages_Asset","url":"\/assets\/img\/uploads\/kara-egedin.png"}]}]}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentHeadline_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentHeadline","headline":"Digital video for the Generations","headlineLevel":"2"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"
WildBrain Spark runs the largest kids and family AVOD (advertising video on demand) network on YouTube in the UK. As Head of Digital Marketing Kara is well placed to share her knowledge of digital video. For her talk she split her presentation into 3 sections and shared her insight and recommendations about how to target - Generation Alpha , Generation Z, Millennials & beyond. <\/p>"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentParagraph_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentParagraph","paragraph":"She explained the importance of targeting by demographic as video, streaming technology etc has changed so significantly during each generation that user priorities and expectations are incredibly different. She touched on YouTube legislation, creating quality video, building trust with your audience, plus why brands should consider YouTube Shorts and embrace TikTok."}]},{"__typename":"contentBuilder_BlockType","contentSection":[{"__typename":"contentSection_contentHeadline_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentHeadline","headline":"Kara's key takeouts","headlineLevel":"2"},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentList_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentList","item":[{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Nearly three-quarters (74%) of UK families are co-viewing kids' content together every week, with 36% doing so daily (WildBrain Spark Report)."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"YouTube Shorts are a great option to target Generation Z. You can access creators and influencers and easily transfer content to TikTok and Instagram reels."},{"__typename":"item_TableRow","listItem":"Currently being under-utilised by brands there is a lot of opportunity to experiment with TikTok. The platform transcends generations and brings families together to create, have fun, and be entertained."}]},{"__typename":"contentSection_contentQuote_BlockType","typeHandle":"contentQuote","author":"Kara \u0160egedin, WildBrain Spark","quote":"\"In this world of seemingly endless plaforms and format, knowing your brand, your business objectives and your audience, is more important than ever before.\""}]}],"url":"https:\/\/\/events\/17112021\/digital-growth-2022","uri":"events\/17112021\/digital-growth-2022","seo":[{"__typename":"seo_BlockType","seoPageTitle":"DxO Events | Driving Digital Growth In 2022 | Daydot","seoPageDescription":"Register for our latest Daydot webinar about digital trends in 2022","seoPageKeywords":"digital, trends, 2022, first-party data, personalisation, behavioural research","seoOpenGraphTitle":"DxO Events | Driving Digital Growth In 2022 | Daydot","seoOpenGraphDescription":"Register for our latest Daydot webinar about digital trends in 2022","seoOpenGraphImage":[{"__typename":"localImages_Asset","url":"\/assets\/img\/uploads\/november-webinar-blue.jpg"}],"seoTwitterCardTitle":"DxO Events | Driving Digital Growth In 2022 | Daydot","seoTwitterCardDescription":"Register for our latest Daydot webinar about digital trends in 2022","seoTwitterCardImage":[{"__typename":"localImages_Asset","url":"\/assets\/img\/uploads\/november-webinar-blue.jpg"}]}],"uid":"ce9524f2-8b53-448c-a636-0e5d19b0af7f","typeHandle":"eventRoundup","title":"Driving digital growth in 2022","author":{"__typename":"User","fullName":"Suzie Duncan","photo":{"__typename":"localImages_Asset","url":"\/assets\/img\/uploads\/suzieduncan-2021-03-01-122502-2021-04-29-162219.png"}},"dateCreated":"2021-10-11T11:42:12+01:00","metaEventEntryLocation":"Webinar","metaEventEntryDate":"2021-11-17T00:00:00+00:00","metaEventEntryBeginTime":"2025-03-12T10:00:00+00:00","metaEventEntryFinishTime":"2025-03-12T11:00:00+00:00","eruMasthead":[{"__typename":"eruMasthead_BlockType","copy":"Driving digital growth in 2022","category":"Webinar roundup"}],"eruNewsTitle":"Past event rounds-ups","eruButton":[{"__typename":"eruButton_BlockType","copy":"View all videos","pageUrl":[{"__typename":"singles_events_Entry","uri":"events"}]}]}}
Webinar roundup
Driving digital growth in 2022
Published by Suzie Duncan
11 October 2021
1 minute read
Trends to fuel long-term sustainable growth for your business in 2022
For this webinar we decided to look ahead at digital trends for 2022 and were pleased to welcome Janis Thomas (Ecommerce & Marketing Director at Look Fabulous Forever), as well as Kara Šegedin (Head of Digital Marketing at WildBrain Spark) as our guest speakers today.
The presentations covered social strategy, first-party data, digital video marketing and personalisation so there is plenty of content and actionable insights to kick-start your 2022 digital strategy.
Take a look below for more detailed overviews of the presentations and key take-aways, or watch the full webinar recording above.
Key speakers
Why first-party data really does need to come first in 2022!
In his talk Osh explained that users are demanding greater privacy - including transparency, choice and control over how their data is used. However, 90% of consumers will offer first-party data if it would improve their experience (SmarterHQ 2021).
Osh confirmed that brands need a coordinated plan to guide choosing which data to collect, and how to analyse and activate it - it's an important area that many brands don't consider carefully enough.
He went on to explain the importance to create an obvious value exchange - brands must be constantly asking the question 'Have we made it easy for customers to see the benefits of sharing their data with us?'.
Osh Rice
MD, Daydot
Osh's key takeouts
The first step is to audit your data sources to identify what data is being generated and how it’s being measured.
Cross-reference the audit output with the data requirements of the marketing and analytics use cases you plan to execute and make sure you collect the data that’s important to your objectives.
Continually evaluate your first-party data capabilities, monitor progress, and integrate what you’ve learned at each step along the way.
"In order to scale engagement across all of your tools and all of your channels - accurately and with consent - you need to rethink the kind of data you’re using, how you’re collecting it, how it’s distributed, and how you keep it secured."
Janis showed her passion for Look Fabulous Forever and social as a channel throughout her presentation. She started by sharing some impressive digital results - how the brand has increased revenue through social by 350% in the last year!
She went on to explain how in response to the pandemic they build a hugely successful Facebook community - 'Tricia's Super Troopers' - to support customers, which then organically grew and generated a lot of conversation and engagement about products. She also talked about the benefit of a full-funnel paid social strategy and how they have elevated their personalisation efforts.
Janis' key takeouts
Social drives revenue in the short and long term.
Build a highly engaged community that are passionate advocates of your brand.
Social has infinite potential for continuous improvement.
"If you're not driving revenue from social, you're not doing it right!"
Janis Thomas
Alex Toplis
Senior Optimisation Manager, Daydot
Become customer obsessed and leap in to personalised content
Alex introduced the crawl, walk, run approach for personalisation. First you optimise the base level experience for all users by improving general relevance. Then refine this further by looking at different segments that exhibit different behaviours or needs and how relevance can be improved for these users. And eventually, you might want to move on to 1:1 personalisation if there is a need for this. At this stage, brands would usually adopt an AI solution that can keep up with user behaviour in real-time.
He outlined two options for experimentation with personalisation
If your site is small or doesn't get much traffic, and you would need to let tests run for months on end, it might be better to 'just do it' - so make the website changes, compare and measure the impact over time.
If you have strong website traffic and can get a significant result within a few weeks then test your changes. You can then measure the results and use these to create future hypotheses for testing and learn more about your customers.
Alex's key takeouts
Research allows you to make contact with real customers and ask them directly how they use your products or services, what other products they use, etc.
Customer needs can change at different points in the user journey. Journey mapping can help you understand where and when personalisation, or improved relevance, would provide something meaningful for the customer so they successfully move through the funnel.
Through research you might find you have some no-brainers, elements where personalisation will only enhance the experience, but for more complex hypotheses you should test to ensure you can measure the impact of the personalisation.
"When you're looking to make experiences more relevant, keep asking what will be meaningful to the customer at this stage? Think about what information they need and how you can answer or provide for the user."
Alex Toplis
Kara Šegedin
Head of Digital Marketing, WildBrain Spark
Digital video for the Generations
WildBrain Spark runs the largest kids and family AVOD (advertising video on demand) network on YouTube in the UK. As Head of Digital Marketing Kara is well placed to share her knowledge of digital video. For her talk she split her presentation into 3 sections and shared her insight and recommendations about how to target - Generation Alpha , Generation Z, Millennials & beyond.
She explained the importance of targeting by demographic as video, streaming technology etc has changed so significantly during each generation that user priorities and expectations are incredibly different. She touched on YouTube legislation, creating quality video, building trust with your audience, plus why brands should consider YouTube Shorts and embrace TikTok.
Kara's key takeouts
Nearly three-quarters (74%) of UK families are co-viewing kids' content together every week, with 36% doing so daily (WildBrain Spark Report).
YouTube Shorts are a great option to target Generation Z. You can access creators and influencers and easily transfer content to TikTok and Instagram reels.
Currently being under-utilised by brands there is a lot of opportunity to experiment with TikTok. The platform transcends generations and brings families together to create, have fun, and be entertained.
"In this world of seemingly endless plaforms and format, knowing your brand, your business objectives and your audience, is more important than ever before."